ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
Aprile 5005, 2017, clay, epoxy resin, marble dust, sand, fragments of mechanical components, black bones, metal bar, cm 12 x 110 x 50
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
Arto #01, 2017, fragments of mechanical components, epoxy resin, vulcanic ash, rubber, metal bar, cm 15 x 10 x 165
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
Aprile 5075, 2017, epoxy resin, urethan foam, marble dust, black bones, rubber pipe, metal bar
cm 22 x 91 x 60 (dimensions variable)
Aprile 5075, 2017, epoxy resin, urethan foam, marble dust, black bones, rubber pipe, metal bar
cm 22 x 91 x 60 (dimensions variable)
Aprile 5076, 2017, fragments of mechanical components, tree branch, rubber, vulcanic ash,
clay, metal bar, cm 13 x 60 x 8
Arto #02, 2017, fragments of mechanical components, clay, plaster, epoxy resin, metal bar, cm 15 x 15 x 155
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
Aprile 5077, 2017, urethan foam, rubber, fragments of tree branches and mechanical components, vulcanics ash, beeswax, metal bar
cm 15 x 205 x 135 (dimensions variable)
Mosca, 2017, urethan foam, fragments of mechanical components, rubber, vulcanic ash, black bones, metal bar, cm 40 x 55 x 10
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
Aprile 5079, 2017, rubber, fragments of mechanical components, vulcanic ash, metal bar
cm 15 x 190 x 30 (dimensions variable)
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
k055, 2017, fragments of mechanical components, rubber, vulcanic ash, clay, metal bar, cm 30 x 35 x 40
Bianco sudato #06, 2017, plaster, ash bones, natural asphalt, clay powder, graphite powder, black bones, fragments
cm 15 x 330 x 330 (dimensions variable)
Habitat #2 / Habitat #1, 2017, rubber, vulcanic ash, pipes fragments, metal bar, cm 20 x 180 x 30 / cm 15 x 90 x 45
Aprile 5007, 2017, clay, epoxy resin, marble dust, sand, fragments of mechanical components, black bones, metal bar, cm 177 x 60 x 23
Aprile 5007, 2017, clay, epoxy resin, marble dust, sand, fragments of mechanical components, black bones, metal bar, cm 177 x 60 x 23
Aprile 5006, 2017, clay, epoxy resin, marble dust, sand, fragments of mechanical components, black bones, metal bar, cm 151 x 127 x 36
Aprile 5006, 2017,
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, project space, SpazioA, Pistoia
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, project space, SpazioA, Pistoia
ground - ground, 2017, exhibition view, project space, SpazioA, Pistoia
Aprile 5082, 2017, urethan foam, rubber, vulcanic ash, beeswax, copper wire, metal bar
cm 50 x 105 x 47
Aprile 5083, 2017, rubber, vulcanic ash, fragments of mechanical components, black wax, metal bar
cm 15 x 200 x 35
Bianco sudato #08, 2017, ash bones, plaster, rubber, silicon rubber, natural asphalt, polyester resin, fragments of mechanical components, black bones
cm 10 x 75 x 50 (dimensions variable)
Bianco sudato #07, 2017, ash bones, plaster, rubber, silicon rubber, natural asphalt, polyester resin, fragments of mechanical components, black bones
cm 19 x 90 x 140 (dimensions variable)
Nero d’osso, 2017, urethan foam, rubber, black bones, metal bar
cm 30 x 120 x 83
Nero d’osso, 2017, urethan foam, rubber, black bones, metal bar
cm 30 x 120 x 83, detail
Bianco sudato #09, 2017, natural asphalt, polyester resin, fragments of mechanical components, black bones
cm 15 x 170 x 90 (dimensions variable)
Habitat #04, 2017, rubber, marble dust, beeswax, asphalt, pipes fragments, metal bar
cm 30 x 232 x 120 (dimensions variable)
Habitat #04, 2017, rubber, marble dust, beeswax, asphalt, pipes fragments, metal bar
cm 30 x 232 x 120 (dimensions variable), detail
Habitat #03, 2017, rubber, vulcanic ash, pipes fragments, metal bar cm 15 x 65 x 48